MISSION GROUP: Diocese of Sumbawanga
Growing Catholics sponsors two parishes in the Diocese of Sumbawanga:
Pito Parish, one of the poorest parishes in all of Tanzania, Africa
St Francis Parish, a new parish in a small village in Sumbawanga

Pito Parish is a parish in a remote part of Tanzania in the Diocese of Sumbawanga. Pito Parish is a community of 11,000 Christians led by Fr. Amedeus (pictured). Funds provided to the Parish of Pito will be prudently and effectively used in promoting the church apostolate within the community and for corporal works of mercy for the village.
100% of funds go directly to the Diocese of Sumbawanga
Clean Water and Health Clinic Support
The Diocese of Sumbawanga supports a healthcare system of hospitals and small health centers located in communities that the government health services do not support. The Parish of Pito manages a health center for the diocese and this is the villagers' only access to health care. The parish is planning to have a borehole dug (similar to a well) which will serve the people near the parish house and the health clinic. Clean water is essential to operate the health clinic. The current water source is contaminated. Funds may be used for the dispensary and much needed medical equipment.

Pictured above:
Villagers stand in front of the small health clinic in Pito. Inside the clinic is their poorly stocked pharmacy cabinet. Current water is tainted and filled with disease and a borehole is needed to access clean water deep under the village.
Transportation Needs for Evangelization
All the catechists are poor and do not have the funds to purchase a reliable means of transport. Priests also struggle to maintain their means of transport due to the small budget acquired through local financial collections. Transport is essential for the priest and catechist to evangelize the villages. For instance, funds may be used for fuel and maintenance so the catechist and priests can bring sacraments to remote areas.

Pictured above:
A catechist provides eucharist to a sick parishioner in an isolated part of Pito.
A catechist with his mode of transportation.
Educational Support
The Parish of Pito supports a nursery school/kindergarten to prepare students for primary school which is run by the government. We aim to use the funds to buy learning materials for small children attending the nursery school and buy food for their lunch.

Pictured above:
The school children of Pito parish